ࡱ>  Hbjbj 48]NN8D84$fllN$P$P$P$P$P$P$$5&(Lt$t$4$vvvFN$vN$vvV"@b#V" :$$0$"x3)3)b#3)b#vt$t$$3)N n:  The 104-R is an academic plan that lays out all the classes required for you to graduate. All courses and grades MUST be verified after each semester. The 104-R is fillable PDF that contains 3 pages. The pages do NOT auto populate. Please read each section and follow the directions carefully! Follow this guide to fill out blocks 1 through 9: Name: Smith, Joe Academic Major: i.e. History, Communications, Management, etc. CIP Code: Leave Blank Date (MM/DD/YYYY): The date this form is completed i.e. 02/01/2019 Institution: Academic School The University of 51 Mississippi or William Carey University Identification (Check one): - If you go to USM, mark X in the Host box. If you go to WMC, mark X in the Extension Center box. Host School: The University of 51 Mississippi Host FICE: 002441 (ONLY 6 DIGITS ARE ALLOWED IN THIS SPOT) Credit Hours: Note: Total required for degree: select the number of hours required for the degree. The standard major requires 120 hours. Check your Degree Progress Report for the exact number. Incoming Freshman 1. Enter number of hours required for the degree (See note above). 2. Add all the hours listed for 8 semesters in Section 7. i.e. Total hours = 145. 3. Subtract Total required for degree from Total Hours. i.e. 145 120 = 25 then enter 25 into block a. (1). 4. Block 5. a. (2) and Normal Academic Progression Standard will auto-populate. 5. Double check Number of authorized S (semesters) by counting the number of semesters listed in Section 7. Number of authorized S should be the same as the number of semesters listed. If it isnt, start back at Step 1. Returning Cadets 1. Enter number of hours required for the degree (See note above). 2. Add all the hours listed for 8 semesters in Section 7. Example: Total hours = 145. 3. Subtract Total required for degree from Total Hours. i.e.: 145 120 = 25 then enter 25 into block a. (1). 4. Block 5. a. (2) and Normal Academic Progression Standard will auto-populate. 5. Credits toward degree complete to date: Insert number of hours successfully completed to date (No credit is received for an E or F). 6. Double check Remaining for Degree by adding up the number of hours listed in Block 7 for semesters not completed. If the two numbers arent the same, start back at #1. Transfer Students Follow directions listed for Incoming Freshman above Input Transfer Hours that have been accepted by USM/WMC in 5. b. Grade Point Average (GPA): Select the Term (i.e. Fall, Spring, or Summer). Fill in the two digit year, curriculum GPA (semester), and CUM (cumulative GPA) after each semester. Schedule: Freshman: This section lies out the ENTIRE 4-year Academic Plan from your first semester until graduation. Transfer Students and those entering the program after completing a semester or more at USM/WMC: List the remaining semesters needed to graduate. For example, Cadet started school in the Fall 2010, but didnt join the ROTC until the Spring 2011. The 104-R should have a total of 7 semesters listed. You do not have to follow this exact plan. However, this document will include all the classes required for the degree and all commissioning requirements for ROTC. See below for layout:  The current semester MUST to be accurate. These courses need to be the classes you are enrolled. You are not locked into future classes, but listing all the necessary classes needed for graduation keeps you on-track to graduate. Summer Courses: If you wish to take classes during any of the summer sessions, you will be responsible for covering the expenses associated with these courses. Summer sessions do NOT need to be listed in Section 6 or 7. Winter Courses: List any winter courses taken under the Fall semester. Students Initials & Date: Complete for each semester block completed and counseled upon. Review: Select BA / BS / Masters and Select the Month and year of Graduation. ROTC Program Course Curriculum MSL 101: Introduction to the Army MSL 102: Foundation of Agile and Adaptive Leadership MSL 201: Leadership and Decision Making MSL 202: Army Doctrine and Tem Development MSL 301: Training Management and the Warfighting Functions MSL 302: Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations MSL 350: American Military Experience MSL 401: The Army Officer MSL 402: Company Grade Leadership After Completion Army ROTC staff will review your 104-R and let you know if any changes need to be made. Once you are given the thumbs up via email, you can print it out. You will sign block 10 and date block 11, along with signing and dating page 3. Have your advisor sign block 12 and date block 13. Return the completed form to the ROTC department. DO NOT HAVE YOUR ADVISOR COMPLETE YOUR FORMS!!! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS THE CADET TO COMPLETE THIS FORM!!!     Golden Eagle Battalion Completing the 104-R   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 [( ) \ ` b l n } ϯϯsϯeVHhR7CJOJPJQJaJhR75CJOJPJQJaJhfCJOJPJQJaJh&lCJOJPJQJaJh{\CJOJPJQJaJ#h{\h9>*CJOJPJQJaJh9CJOJPJQJaJ hfhfCJOJPJQJaJhO45CJOJPJQJaJ#hfhf5CJOJPJQJaJh ]5CJOJPJQJaJhf5CJOJPJQJaJ[ \ n  k # _  & Fd]gdR7 & Fd]gdf & Fd]gdR7 & Fd]gdR7 & Fd]gdf d]gdf dgdf      $ % & ' i j k ˹˫˹ˏo]L8]&hR7hooA5>*CJOJPJQJaJ hR7hooACJOJPJQJaJ#hR7hooA>*CJOJPJQJaJ h0h0CJOJPJQJaJh0>*CJOJPJQJaJhR7CJOJPJQJaJh9CJOJPJQJaJh^CJOJPJQJaJ#hfhf5CJOJPJQJaJ hfhfCJOJPJQJaJ hfhR7CJOJPJQJaJ#hR7hR76CJOJPJQJaJ ! 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