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About the CARES Team

University of 51矯通 Mississippi is committed to fostering a safe and welcoming campus community. In turn, it is the responsibility of each person within the University community to join in creating an environment in which others have a positive experience. USM CARES is a team of campus professional who respond to reports of concern regarding the academic progress and well-being of students.

CARES reports address concerns related to persons making threats to harm themselves or others; that pose a significant threat to the University and/or its community. For other emergency issues, please immediately contact the University Police Department at 601.266.4986 or 9-1-1.

Team Members


What to Report

Submit a CARES report

Not for a CARES report


      Family/relationship difficulties

      Stress management

      Anxiety, addictions, and mental health concerns


      Threatening or violent behavior

      Truancy, poor academic performance and inattention in class might be signs of a greater concern. However, these alone do not necessitate a CARES report.



CARES Review Process

Cares Review Process


For students- Link to Student Success Resource page - /student-help/index.php 
For Faculty & Staff- Link to Faculty Staff Resource page- /faculty-staff-help/index.php

Contact Us

R.C. Cook University Union
Room 220
118 College Drive #5204
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Phone: 601.266.4025
E-mail: dos@usm.edu
Office Hours: 8-5 PM