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Yang Ge

Dr. Yang Ge

Assistant Professor


Dr. Ge studies Computational Epidemiology, with a focus on infectious diseases. He has worked with epidemiologists and biostatisticians on a number of projects over the past few years, resulting in the publication of high-quality research in journals such as JAMA Internal Medicine, European Heart Journal, Emerging Infectious diseases, etc. He is also a reviewer for journals including JAMA Internal Medicine, JAMA Network Open, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, International Journal of Epidemiology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, etc.

Details of his research can be found on

Ph.D. - Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of Georgia
MS - Biostatistics, University of Georgia

  • MS - Wuhan University of China (2013)
  • BS - Wuhan University of China (2010)
  • COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics Among Close Contacts of Index Patients With COVID-19 A Population-Based Cohort Study in Zhejiang Province, China, JAMA INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2021,
  • Outdoor light at night and risk of coronary heart disease among older adults: a prospective cohort study, EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2021,
  • Analysis of Firearm Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US, JAMA NETWORK OPEN, 2022,
  • Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Infection in a Centralized Quarantine Location in Hangzhou, China, JAMA NETWORK OPEN, 2022,
  • Yield and efficiency of a population-based mass tuberculosis screening intervention among persons with diabetes in Jiangsu Province, China., Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 2023,
  • Effect of Norovirus Inoculum Dose on Virus Kinetics, Shedding, and Symptoms., Emerging infectious diseases, 2023,

Contact Me

Elizabeth Hall (EH) 220



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Areas of Expertise

Infectious disease epidemiology, Statistics, Modelling